17 Sept 2010

Friday 3rd September

As we looked everywhere on the bus and could not find it anywhere, the only logical solution was that someone had taken it from the bus. Before we could deal with that we had to meet with S. During that meeting we discussed our dissertation progress so far, ate tea and biscuits and then had lunch. S said he would drop Ch and I off at the police station on our way home.

In the end he couldn’t be bothered to get us to the Delhi police, so left us with someone from the college, in Badapur. There the police did not want to record it as a theft and kept asking me how it could have happened, I tried to explain I had no idea but it’s the same with pickpockets we don’t know how they do it, we don’t see them, they just manage to do it. This analogy did not seem to help my case at all. Finally, after five hours of waiting, either for the chief to come, then the rain to stop, then the report to be made, after five cups of tea and many attempts at writing my statement we left with a crime number.

We got a rickshaw cycle home and after finding out that McD’s was closed due to power failure, we also found that the rains had flooded the entire entrance to the hostel. Our rickshaw cycle man was waiting for us and took us through the flooding. We then had to work out what to do for dinner, we tried Dominos but they decided that today they would not deliver, as there was no way we would be able to get out, we had to cave in and ask the hostel for dinner. It was the most spicy dinner we had had and there was lady fingers…not the best!!

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