17 Sept 2010

Sunday 12th September

Today we got up early and met up with J and R. We had decided to hire a taxi for the day and were going to see as much of Goa as we could. First we went to a waterfall, it was pretty amazing, although we couldn't swim there which was not so cool as even though it was still before half ten in the morning the sun was already beating down. It reminded me so much of Niagra falls, not the size but the sound and the water spray – I love waterfalls.

Then we went to a spice plantation, stopping off at a temple on the way, as we were ahead of schedule. Actually the temple we had originally planned to visit was closed for the Ganesha festival so we went to one a bit further up the road. It was so interesting to learn about all the different spices, and then to get to try some of them in the food. It was yammaliscious, although I couldn't eat much and ended up gorging on watermelon to try and stop the burning, it was way, way too spicy for me.

We then went to old Goa, visiting two churches and the archaeological museum, it was very interesting and amazing how old some of the portraits and stone sculptures were. As it was so hot we all decided we needed to head home. After dumping our things Ch and I headed to the beach. Apart from the people who came to try and sell us things every five minutes, or to take a photo with us, or tried to offer us massages (for free) it was a lovely afternoon on the beach, reading, sunbathing, paddling, finished off with a great dinner of fresh fish and cocktails. A wonderful way to end the stay in Anjuna, and we still have tomorrow morning ☺

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