17 Sept 2010

Wednesday 8th September

I haven’t written about the past couple of days as they really were not very interesting. They involved meetings with out professor from the UK and working a lot. Today we were supposed to go to NIILM (the partner University) to give our final presentations. So we were up and outside Meadows by half seven. As we were waiting for the bus Cici told us her allergic reaction had come back. We then had to decided what to do, go give our presentations or go straight to the hospital. We ended up calling S and he said we should go straight to the hospital. So when the bus came it dropped us off at Apollo.

We waited for two hours to see a doctor and then the appointment was over in two minutes. So we called up the professors and asked what they wanted us to do. It was established that going to NIILM would be nigh-on impossible, seeing as the only other bus via Meadows would be the one going in the opposite direction at the end of the day. So we went to café coffee day in the hospital and had ourselves a little cake and coffee.

Upon our return from the hospital I realised it was the perfect opportunity to go and finish up at Jiva. It was great Ch came with me, met S, understood why I raved about him so much. We had a final interview, tea, nibbles and Ch came round the school with me taking pictures so I could put them into my dissertation.

After that we took the same car that had brought us to Jiva and went to the Akshardham (maybe spelt wrong) in East Delhi. It was the most beautiful temple I have seen this whole trip. It was white, carved marble and had gold guild at different sections, with shrines. The main and central home for a huge gold statue was also covered in semi-precious stones and had a glorious chandelier in the center. After looking around the temple we went to the courtyard, despite the rain, to see the night time light show. It too was spectacular, and I would highly recommend seeing this to anyone who visits Delhi. It really was the highlight of my time in Delhi. Topped off with dinner at P’Tit Bar, this was the best day I had spent in Delhi, and perhaps one of the best of the trip. It was productive and interesting, and really the best day in Delhi could hardly have occurred without a trip to our second home – Apollo.

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